JUMP: Assemble Wiki
Become the Greatest Fighter

Magic Attack

From JUMP: Assemble Wiki
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Characters Ranked by Magic Attack[edit source]

Here is a list of Characters Icon.pngCharacters that contain Magic Attack

 IconPhysical AttackMax HPMax ManaMagic AttackPhysical DefenseMagic DefenseTenacityHP Regen /5sMana Regen /5sMovement SpeedPhysical PenetrationMagic PenetrationAttack Speed BonusCrit ChancePhysical LeechMagic LeechCooldown ReductionAttack Range
Orihime InoueOrihime Inoue Icon.jpg13528514901274500%39183600.00.00.0%0.0%3.0%Ranged
Nezuko KamadoNezuko Kamado Icon.jpg15226920063500%50038050.00.00.0%0.0%0.0%Melee
Inosuke HashibiraInosuke Hashibira Icon.jpg15127800066500%48037050.00.00.0%0.0%0.0%Melee
Uryu IshidaUryu Ishida Icon.jpg1402720450066500%39253503203.0%7.8%0.0%Ranged
Son GokuSon Goku Icon.jpg14026660078500%50038050.00.00.0%0.0%0.0%Melee

Equipment Ranked by Magic Attack[edit source]

Here is a list of Equipment Icon.pngEquipment that contain Magic Attack

 IconPhysical AttackMax HPMax ManaMagic AttackPhysical DefenseMagic DefenseTenacityHP Regen /5sMana Regen /5sMovement SpeedPhysical PenetrationMagic PenetrationAttack Speed BonusCrit ChancePhysical LeechMagic LeechCooldown ReductionCumulative Price
Secret CodeSecret Code.jpg6581550
Sagacious Fox MaskSagacious Fox Mask.jpg240551200
Magatama CruetMagatama Cruet.jpg502581120
Scroll of Secret ArtsScroll of Secret Arts.jpg40032083220
Scroll of Secret Arts (t1)Scroll of Secret Arts (t1).jpg30370
Book of GlitzBook of Glitz.jpg205500
Oak ScepterOak Scepter.jpg20700
Book of UnderworldBook of Underworld.jpg50019052570
Magic Top HatMagic Top Hat.jpg17552852
Crimson Serpent ScepterCrimson Serpent Scepter.jpg32017552620
Stream CapsuleStream Capsule.jpg175852050
Arcane - Magic BurstArcane - Magic Burst.jpg170752620
Book of Secret SpellsBook of Secret Spells.jpg640150103150
Time GapTime Gap.jpg4801452500
Winter's SighWinter's Sigh.jpg6401452620
Telepathic StaffTelepathic Staff.jpg400500145152450
Endless FlaskEndless Flask.jpg50013515
Fan of BreezeFan of Breeze.jpg40013582670
Mask of the CursedMask of the Cursed.jpg5601302550
Sword of LightSword of Light.jpg13052600
Time Magic WandTime Magic Wand.jpg400130152620
Arcane StaffArcane Staff.jpg1001020
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